Frequently Asked Questions


How long is the beer brewing class?

Classes last about 4 hours, but most of that time is not spent in direct instruction. There will be time to ask questions, socialize, and have some beer.

When are beer brewing classes offered?

Beer brewing classes are held on Tuesday evenings. If you’d like to brew a class on a different night, please contact us directly at

What I should bring/wear?

Brewing can be a messy affair. Waterproof/water-resistant shoes are encouraged!
You are also welcome to bring your own food and non-alcoholic beverages. Beer will be available for purchase.

Can my kids come?

No - we apologize, but all participants in the class must be over age 21.

What type of beer can I choose to make?

  • Pale Ale: This easy-drinking beer is sure to please any beer lover in your life. It’s light in body, slightly sweet, crisp, and has a nice balance of malt to hops. This simple beer has notes of pine and grapefruit paired with a toasty caramel base.

  • Milkshake IPA: A milkshake IPA is not your average IPA. This style is sweet, fruity, and creamy. The hops add flavors of melon, papaya, and nectarine. The lactose sugar creates a silky sip to complement a sweet biscuity base. This beer finishes dry to prevent it from being too sweet.

  • Black IPA (Cascadian dark ale): The black IPA is a robust brew. This medium-bodied beer is dark, but not quite as heavy as a porter or stout. It has notes of coffee and chocolate to accompany flavors of pine and berry from the hops.

  • Wheat: The wheat beer is a classic recipe that produces a bready beer with creamy head. Lemon peel and citrusy flavors from the hops brighten each sip.  

How much beer will I get?

Each batch produces about 5 gallons of beer: 30 to 35 16oz cans

When will I can my beer?

You will receive an email to schedule your beer canning appointment 28 days after your brew appointment. The canning appointment is included with the cost of your brew class appointment: no additional purchase is necessary.

When are canning appointments available?

Canning appointments are available on Wednesdays and Thursdays at 5:30 or 7:30 PM. Canning takes about an hour and a half.

How long will it be before I can drink my beer?

Fermentation and carbonation takes about 4 weeks. You will be able to taste your beer during your canning appointment!

Where can I create my own custom labels, and how many should I order?

You will want to order about 35 labels. Most batches will produce 30-35 16oz cans. If you order labels, be sure they will fit 16oz cans.
Places to order: